Healing the world, one relationship at a time

Experience integrity, confidence and passion in your relationships.

Healing the world, one relationship at a time

Experience integrity, confidence and passion in your relationships.

Building Great Relationships requires work

In our culture, we are fed the story over and over that the 'right' person will just come along and sweep us off our feet as we fall madly in love and live happily ever after.

Spoiler alert! This happens extremely rarely (if ever) outside of Hollywood or our imaginations. So any Relationship Coach or Expert who says you can find and keep the person of your dreams without working on yourself is selling a pipe-dream.

Our process begins with honesty about who you are and what you stand for. Only from this place of personal integrity can you hope to find someone to experience true intimacy with.


Who am I really?

Intimacy is an overused and misunderstood word. To experience true intimacy, we must have the courage to really see ourselves and the truth of who we are; the good, the bad and the ugly. From this place of Self honesty, we can move forward in our quest for fulfilling relationships.


What do I want?

Can you imagine your ideal relationship? Can you feel what it would be like in your body to experience true partnership, respect and love? We must first imagine what we want and then bring that into reality by learning how to ask. The want must be fully aligned with our body, our mind and our spirit. This means we often need a refresh of our Self Esteem system.


Am I able to receive?

One of the most interesting things I notice about people who have trouble in relationships is that they think they will get what they want by giving more. This is actually not true! We will get what we want when we are open to receiving it. Receiving love is one of the most vulnerable things we can learn to do as a human, but it is also one of the most rewarding experiences.


The Body Leads the Way

A complete transformative process for women recovering from the effects of emotional abuse and trauma.

Who is this for?

• Women who want to experience true intimacy

• Survivors who know they have an inner strength and want to show others the way

• Women who know they deserve more love, kindness, and respect in their relationships

Your time is now and you know it

Results You Can Expect

• You will find a sense of self that comes from within and doesn't rely solely on external validation

• You will gain the confidence to be yourself and have a voice in your relationships

• you will be able to move forward with your life and your dreams with less anxiety or self-doubt

This program was designed from real-life experience of a transformative process. There is support for you to truly change your life if you are ready.

Who is this NOT for?

• Women who don't yet feel safe enough to work on themselves

• Women who aren't ready to see the truth of where they are

• Women who aren't ready to invest in themselves and their future

If you are in crisis in a relationship, please seek immediate help locally. This program will be here for you when you are in a safe enough place to begin the inner work of healing.


• A commitment to doing the work is a must. I recommend at least an hour per day

• Some of the people in your life may not like you changing, you may encounter resistance and you will need the strength to keep going anyway

• There will be lots of support for you in this journey however only you can do the work and you will need to ask for help as part of the learning process.

Changing your relationships will require a radical shift in you and perhaps your life, but it is worth it.

Ready to take the next step?


Radical Responsibility- the power of choice

The 4 inside secrets our clients use to learn to speak up and say what they want in relationships without feeling guilty or afraid of losing the person they love.

Who is this for?

• You want to understand your relationships better

• You are ready to take responsibility for how you show up to relationships

• You are wanting to create more joyful and fulfilling interactions with people

This is the beginning of a new level of intimacy and connection.

Results You Can Expect

• Recruit the inner allies that help you say what you want to people in your life, even if you’ve always been afraid of speaking your truth.

• Understand the real reason people stay stuck in unhealthy relationships and how you can break free from these patterns.

• Uncover the secret to making choices in alignment with your own values and how you can overcome self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviours.

Learn how to take responsibility for ourself and your choices and act from integrity so that your relationships become joyful and fulfilling.

Who is this NOT for?

• You want to blame others for your experiences

• You are in relationship crisis and need immediate support

• You experienced early childhood trauma or abuse and have not processed this yet with a psychologist or counsellor to the point that you can be resourced while looking back at your own history

Healing takes time and if you are not ready for this course please find the support you need right now. We will be here when you are ready.


• Please have inner and outer resources available that can support your emotional health during this course

• You may be challenged throughout the course work, please reach out when you have questions or difficulties

• This work may change the way you interact with others, please be aware that as you grow so must your relationships

We are here to support you at every step!

Ready to take the next step?


Developing boundaries course

In this course, you will learn how boundaries help us with the process of handling the world and doing so from an inner place of power and love.

Who is this for?

• You hate drama but often find yourself in the middle of it

• You often feel others don't appreciate you or take advantage of your kind nature

• You have difficulty knowing what YOU want and mostly go along with other's ideas

You are ready to re-pattern your relational dynamics in an empowered way!

Results You Can Expect

• Overcome the drama in your relationships

• Learn how to stay in your power and not let people take advantage of you

• Have the confidence and esteem to stay in integrity while negotiating difficult situations

Boundaries come from having great Self Esteem and knowing what you value.

Who is this NOT for?

• You are so afraid of 'losing' people in your life that you won't stand up for your own needs and you aren't ready to face that fear

• You don't have the time or interest in developing yourself

• You are too ill or exhausted to muster any energy for change right now

Change is challenging and healthy relationships require a willingness to change.


• A willingness to discover yourself and your values

• A commitment to making time for this course

• An ability to stay curious around your own relationship patterns

Healthy boundaries require a commitment to yourself.

Ready to take the next step?

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I feel 100% better after our session, and leave with great advise for the ’trouble’ spots that I struggle with relative to my type of work. Alisa is always thorough and caring. I am pleased to post a testimonial for her. Alisa came highly recommended to me about 18 months ago, and I have recommended her to my daughter, and others.