Courses for Conscious Therapists

Sacred Spaces

an exploration of the jaw/pelvis connections - Sept 12-15th, 2024

in Nova Scotia

For Bodyworkers and Somatic Therapists

This intensive 4 day course explores the multi-level connection between the jaw and the pelvis, from the osseous level and fascial lines to the developmental aspects and the energetic expressive aspects. We will take time to explore and put these together using the tools of Myofascial Release, functional movement and somatic exercises.

deepen your touch skills and sensitivity with Myofascial techniques

Learn Groundbreaking Fascial Techniques

Specific myofascial techniques for treating restrictions of the fascia around the pelvis as well as the anterior neck, tongue, jaw and face and the fascial lines connecting these areas. These techniques will allow you to take your work to the next level with your clients. Ailsa incorporates her work as both a Somatic Sex Educator and Myofascial Release Therapist to bring you highly efficient and effective options when working with the pelvis and jaw.

Unlock the Pelvis and the Jaw for more Freedom of Expression and Energy Flow

This course will be a hands on, fully creative exploration of what is possible at the intersection of bodywork, energy work, spirituality and play. The intention for this course is to facilitate a transformation for every participant in whatever way is right for them and to allow a deeper experience of themselves to unfold. Information will be taught in a way that the embodiment and experience becomes the learning. The aim is to co-create with the participants, a sacred space, so that individual, group and world healing is a possibility through this work.

Practice a Gentle, Safe and Sacred Approach

learn to treat issues such as chronic pelvic pain, headaches, postural issues, gait abnormalities, and lack of energy in the body

Review the anatomical structures involved

Discuss cutting edge thoughts and research on fascia

Tie together your own unique blend of healing gifts

Experience your healing power

We will touch in on your unique integrity as a human being, and your potential to offer your unique gifts to yourself, clients, partners, community and the world. Through experiential voice work, group explorations and hands on fascial techniques and unwinding we will find true healing and congruence for your own body, and discover your true potential as a hands on practitioner.

Healer heal thyself

We will explore what gets in the way of being an embodied partner in our own and our client’s journey towards wholeness. We will explore our restrictions - fascial, energetic, emotional or psychological - that restrict our energy and freedom of movement.

Understand the psychosocial components of poor posture and chronic pain

Expand your competency

  • review the anatomy
  • experience the myofascial connections
  • practice a gentle modality
  • understand the energetics
  • integrate the voice
  • embrace the pleasure and trauma inherent in these areas of the body

Experience this all in person this September 12-15th

This is the only option available for 2024

We don't have to do it all

Expand your homecare options for clients

Many times as therapists we have a transformational session with a client only to be disappointed when they come back for the next appointment with the same issues. In this course we will increase our awareness of the importance of empowering our clients to take charge of their own healing path. We will learn new tools to offer our clients and we will explore the creative potential of Somatic work.

Learn with others

As bodyworkers we are mostly working solo with our clients, but what is possible when we work with a partner or even in groups? The opportunity to try multi-therapist Fascial techniques is a unique and powerful experience. What takes one therapist 5 sessions to do can often be addressed in one session with multiple practitioners. Even if you will never work with other therapists in your practice your expectations will be greatly expanded and benefited by having the group experience possible at this course.

Expand your idea of what is possible

Grab Your Spot

Sign up now

This course is only offered once a year. This year it is being held in person in Nova Scotia in the beautiful Annapolis valley. September 12-15th, 2024

Space is limited to sign up early to avoid disappointment

Are you ready?

Lead Instructor: Ailsa Keppie

Ailsa brings aspects from her background in circus arts, physical theatre, music, dance, yoga, myofascial release, bioenergetic processes, archetypes and spirituality.

Here's what's included:

Hands on skills

Myofascial Techniques

Myofascial release is powerful, effective and gentle

  • unwinding techniques for the sacrum and coccyx

  • vault holds for transverse fascial restrictions

  • 2 person traction techniques

  • intra-oral techniques

  • pelvic structural work

  • techniques for diaphragm, psoas, scalènes and other connected structures
  • *bonus material for internal pelvic work practitioners

Emotional and Energetic aspects

Somatic integrative techniques

The stored emotions in our body affect much more than we realize. Working with the emotions is often the missing link for both physical and energetic restrictions.

  • learn and experience voice exercises to enable freedom of expression

  • Understand how to weave in sexuality and pleasure for Self connection

  • Work with trauma and trauma-informed practices to add depth to your sessions

  • Explore how Bioenergetic Analysis and the physical exercises with breath can enhance your work

  • Listen to the body wisdom that surfaces as we slow down and center ourselves

  • Discuss when its appropriate and helpful to recommend internal pelvic work

Restorative movement options

Movement based learning

Learning new ways to hold our bodies and move can help to repattern unhelpful tension lines.

  • integrate yoga and movements from other somatic therapies to your practice

  • learn when and how to offer movement practices to your clients

  • try new ways of moving and find what works for you

  • explore your own holding patterns and learn to let go of your own restrictions

  • understand how movement and bodywork can resource each other

  • use props such as balls, foam rollers and bolsters to help in your practice

Your investment is guaranteed

If for any reason you need to cancel your participation in this class, you will receive a refund of your investment minus a $50 admin fee.

If the class is cancelled by the instructor a full refund will be issued or your payment can be transferred to another course or date.


Get These Bonuses



Join my Facebook Group

  • Get exclusive updates and offers for my courses

  • Ask questions and dialogue with other professionals

  • Be part of the community of Grads of Ailsa's courses



Earn Professional CEU's

  • RMT's receive both primary and secondary CEU's

  • Somatic Sex Educator students may do this as an elective for the Canadian training

  • Other professions may apply to their associations for credit



Get a personalized certificate

  • Hang on your wall

  • Increase client trust

  • add to your resume
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Spaces are limited

Join Us Now

Confirm your spot and register now

...don't miss this opportunity

Your Investment

$895CAD paid in full

$1000 for payment plan options

Hear from


Course Participant in 2019

It really clicked for me that weekend how the energies that we feel are a product of everyone in the room, not just our internal state of affairs.

I had an interesting opportunity to represent, to the group, what I was interpreting as rejection, disownment, and suppression (while the group might have been interpreting it as something else). When I was able to find my voice and express that that was how I was feeling, Ailsa was courageous enough to propose a group process, where everyone's individual energies that were being intuited by me could flow through me and .... out?? Where did they go?! I'm still blown away by magic...

But in any case I understood that what I was feeling didn't have to define me,

and I didn't have to identify with it, although I could hold it for everybody while we processed it. It turned my victim-state into an empowered one.

It was an amazing experience in reclamation after a feeling of disownment, and the effects are still rippling through me. Thanks to everyone who was a part of it, and anyone who is reading this now! If you haven't already studied with Ailsa, I highly highly highly recommend it! <3 J.

Register now!

This course is only offered once per year.

But I have questions...

Frequently asked questions

How many CEU credits will I receive?

This course has so far been approved in NS for RMT's by both MTANS and MTWPAM. MTANS awarded it 10 primary CEU's and 2 secondary ones and MTWPAM awarded it 28 CEU's with a combination of primary and secondary ones depending on the activities.

NHPC does not pre-approve courses but has stated it would be worth about 15 credits. It is currently being assessed by the NB College for Massage Therapists.

This course is also relevant to Sexological Bodyworkers or Somatic Sex Educators and other health professionals, yoga teachers or related practitioners.

Is accomodation included in the price?

Accomodation is available at an extra cost. We have spaces available for $40 per night first come first serve for room and bed choices. There is also a motel close by and a campground within a few minutes drive. Please email for more details and to book your room.

Are there pre-requisites required?

This course is an intermediate/ advanced course for Myofascial and Somatic work. It would be highly recommended to take my Introduction to massage and MFR if you are not already a trained bodyworker. Please ask as I can accommodate some private mentoring to help you prepare for this course if needed. A practice of awareness of your body and energy or emotional connections would also be helpful for this course. My Fascial Feel course is also a great Intro level course to prepare you for Sacred Spaces.

Dates for 2024

September 12-15th

4 Full days of training

bonus extra content

beautiful location in the Annapolis Valley

opportunities to connect with other practitioners

...and much more

Your Investment

$895CAD Paid in Full

$1000 if choosing payment plan

Confidence and gratitude

I feel more confident, and I’m grateful we had ample time to practice and experience firsthand the power of (healing) touch. 

As a New Yorker, I struggle with the perpetual pelvic clench — this takes practice and time to UN-learn of course. 



Hi Ailsa, i just wanted to share with you the continued astounding experiences that I, and clients have with the kind of touch/bodywork I learned with you. It amazes me every time. A client today experienced what sounded/seemed/looked (and his debrief matched) like deep and profound love and connection, in a simple touch with no movement (in the way we practiced in your courses). He was moved. Energetic 'stuff' happened. Mind blown. Thank you.


It was more than I imagined...check out Ana's testimonial video here

"It was more than just a course where you learn information, it was a personal journey for me as well! "


Sacred Spaces

An exploration of the jaw/pelvis connections

4 full days of incredible hands on learning

Will This Work For You?

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Here's what's included:

Immediate access to the 5 step process!

  • Weekly live coaching!

  • Unlimited support through email

  • Lifetimes access to the online program

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